Fighting features of KO-CHA!

It is easy to capture a headshot of someone unawares, extremely difficult if they know you are coming. This dichotomy is why snipers operate behind enemy lines, why celebrities are harder to capture than Joe Public, and why photo combat is so much fun. KO-CHA! is not a mobile game. It is the means to weaponise your phone against all-comers in fast paced combat. To this end we designed it to work well on the run with the following features:

 Capturing headshots is as easy as taking a photo. We did this because real people don’t act like monsters in shoot em up games, popping up and just standing there, or loping slowly towards you. Real people move fast. They duck and weave, use strategy and try to outflank. That is why they are the most fun to go up against. When designing KO-CHA! the last thing I wanted was to have 2 people standing stationary 30 feet from each other just so they would have any chance of scoring a hit. That is not war. This issue was actually what photo combat was born out of. By creating the two step method of capturing the photo and pressing on your targets face you maximise your whole screen as the kill zone. It works a bit like Luke locking on to a Tie fighter with his x-wing scanner. The effect, is that you can play just like paintball. Sneaking around, making sprint attacks. Sniping from a distance. It really works.

 We made the controls large and easy to press so you can take blind shots around corners...when you’re desperate.

 All menus are a sweep away and spin at high speed like a .44 magnum magazine so you can select options quickly in a firefight.

 We avoided creating an augmented world for you to inhabit because this would distract from your real life experience. We augmented your death instead.

 KO-CHA! can capture a headshot from 100+ feet away, dependening on the quality of your phone camera. Take that, stupid Entertech Uzi water pistol!

 KO-CHA! can capture a headshot from much further using a variety of cheap zoom optics you can clip to your phone. If you wish to use higher powered optics like binoculars or a telescope there are great adapters you can use to clip your phone to any eyepiece. Question here to astronomers with access to big telescopes: “How long before I can ko-cha an ISS astronaut on a spacewalk?”

 We included an option to ko-cha the contents of your photo library. War, after all, is brief periods of violence wrapped in swathes of boredom. Between games we thought you might like to scratch the itch with a bit of sniping your past. It also means that you can download whoever you like from the internet and ko-cha them too. To access this feature the icon is in the top left corner of the KO-CHA! viewfinder.

 We limited the app to only work in portrait because it is better for single-hand use and sharing your headshots on Instagram and Tic Toc.

With all of this in mind we suggest that you get an armoured phone case with a pop socket or back ring. You are going to need it.

Peace and Happy Hunting,


KO-CHA! Game Suggestions


How to get the most from KO-CHA!